Sunday, 22 November 2015

Star Wars, But With Ants

If you haven't noticed, the last year has really been a good time for Intellectual Property-themed pub quizzes. Fans of Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Doctor Who, and more have all had the chance to flex their brains and demonstrate their in-universe superiority. For whatever reason, this list doesn't even mention the monthly nostalgia overdose that is Simpsons trivia. Whatever your opinion on these quizzes are, we've got two more coming down the pipe. Fans of giving the executives at the Walt Disney Corporation and 21st Century Fox money, rejoice! Quizzes on Star Wars and Archer are on their way in the next two weeks!

This time, I'm going to let the pictures do the talking, since they're all the information I have anyways. Cheers!

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