Throughout November, the results of each
weekly quiz will also count towards a monthly leader board; total points scored
carry over from week to week, and the team who tally the most at the end of the
month win a spectacular prize pack including Steamworks beer and branded
glassware, a Darby's gift certificate, custom printed winners' t-shirts with
the team name screened on it, and a grand prize yet to be determined. (The prize
has been awarded once already, and it was Whitecaps tickets, so expect
something equally big).
Quizmaster Katie
plans to repeat the Monthly Cup at least through the winter, and perhaps on
indefinitely thereafter. As if you needed another reason to go.
This columnist's only complaint is that I keep declaring this or that pub to have the best prizes in the city, and then another goes one better and makes a liar of me. Truly are we living in a golden age of Vancouver bar trivia!
Darby’s runs
every Thursday at the corner of 4th Avenue and Macdonald.
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